SnapSoft helps IconicFinance to develop Finance app Heymoney
SnapSoft helps IconicFinance to develop Finance app Heymoney
IconicFinance is an Allianz X portfolio company that combines technology-driven start-up DNA with the corporate power of a market leader, with the vision to unlock the full potential of personal finances for everyone. IconicFinance partnered with SnapSoft to support the development of Heymoney - an app where the insurance world meets finance and users can easily manage all their insurances, other contracts and bank accounts in one single place.
Our partner said
Meeting and exceeding the highest security standards are key in a financial app, those have been secured both in the iOS and Android OS app by the followings:
- Asymmetric keypairs - private keys to sign, public keys to verify data (EC-P256 key pairs)
- Hardware-backed Android KeyStore / Android Key Attestation / iOS keychain
- Certificate pinning
- Device binding
- Password-derivation
- Encrypted database (Values are encrypted also prior storing the data in the database)
- OS provided Biometric authentication / fallback to device pin unlocks the application (Upon a set timeout period the application locks itself)
Key achievements
- Flawless integration of financial accounts and contracts
- Implementation of the most secure biometric authentication support with pin code as a fallback
- Enablement of In-app messaging by the seamless integration of custom messaging solution with a customized IconicFinance interface
Project requirements
- IT consulting and incremental implementation
- Native Android OS and iOS mobile applications
- Flexible integration into an ongoing project with dozens of team members
SnapSoft has either developed the module and feature or has been involved to help engineering with the implementation, in cooperation with other developers working on the project.
The continuous beta user feedback, the complexity of a feature-rich and ever-evolving application, and the large number of people involved in the project made efficient communication and coordination key. Keeping the designers / stakeholders / UX researchers and software engineers on the same page SnapSoft used the following tools and platforms:
- Figma - Pixel perfect designs for both mobile platforms
- Miro - Detailed flow and app logic
- JIRA - Ongoing refinement and feature documentation
- Confluence - Simple documentations - a consolidated wiki for everything mentioned above
Best-in-class code quality has been maintained by the following fail-safe mechanisms:
- Automated linter rules applied for code formatting
- Regression and integration testing have to pass for every new piece of code
- At least 2 developers (other than the one writing the code) have to approve the new code piece